Including (1) WASH-related knowledge-sharing products like policies, reports, and case studies compendium in CAREC countries, (2) WASH capacity-building materials like training toolkits and courses.

This paper outlines a five-year strategy for the CAREC WASH Centre, focusing on strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems across the CAREC region. It highlights key work pillars, including knowledge sharing, capacity building, innovation in WASH technologies, policy support, and collaboration opportunities. The paper also aligns the Centre’s goals with global and regional development strategies, such as the SDGs, and emphasizes the importance of sustainable, climate-resilient WASH systems for public health and equitable access to services.
All resources
Showing results 11 - 20 of 82

Including several training resources

This paper outlines a five-year strategy for the CAREC WASH Centre, focusing on strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems across the CAREC region. It highlights key work pillars, including knowledge sharing, capacity building, innovation in WASH technologies, policy support, and collaboration opportunities.…


The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water (GLAAS) has been implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2008. After a successful pilot with seven countries in 2008, GLAAS has grown tremendously with 124 countries and 23 external support agencies (ESAs) participating in the GLAAS…

Access to WASH services has cross-cutting development benefits that contribute to the achievement of multiple SDGs (3 and 6), in relation to good health and well-being, among other aspects. And yet the economics of WASH are seldom incorporated into economic analyses or investment cases for disease.
The field observations…

The importance of progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for achieving SDG 5, which aims to ‘realize gender equality and empower all women and girls’, is widely recognized and the JMP 2023 progress update on WASH in households has a special focus on gender. This gender pullout brings together relevant sections from…

Purpose and Objectives
Considering the vital significance of WASH facilities in ensuring a secure, clean, and resilient learning environment for children, UNICEF Armenia is undertaking an initiative to comprehensively assess the current state of WASH in public schools and preschools across the RA (hereinafter RA). This…

This learning brief synthesizes and shares lessons from Water for Women’s investment in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools (WinS) as part of 20 projects led by civil society organization (CSO) partners, with a mix of support for improved WASH facilities and activities aimed at WASH behavior change. Combined, these…

It establishes management requirements for the entire water supply process, providing a technical basis and criteria for ensuring drinking water safety and a scientific basis for developing drinking water safety policies and proposing targeted public health protection measures.

Skilled sector professionals and well-informed policymakers are key ingredients for achieving our mission to bring WASH services to children and families around the world. We highly value the talents and capacity of WASH professionals as the core assets to drive our global vision: to realize the human rights to water and…
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