Including (1) WASH-related knowledge-sharing products like policies, reports, and case studies compendium in CAREC countries, (2) WASH capacity-building materials like training toolkits and courses.

This paper outlines a five-year strategy for the CAREC WASH Centre, focusing on strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems across the CAREC region. It highlights key work pillars, including knowledge sharing, capacity building, innovation in WASH technologies, policy support, and collaboration opportunities. The paper also aligns the Centre’s goals with global and regional development strategies, such as the SDGs, and emphasizes the importance of sustainable, climate-resilient WASH systems for public health and equitable access to services.
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Showing results 31 - 40 of 82

The water utilities established by the Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation (TajWSS) project, which is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and led by Oxfam in Tajikistan in collaboration with the Government of Tajikistan focussed mainly on decentralization of drinking water services and ownership of the…

Поправки к закону о воде и водопользовании в Узбекистане вводят несколько ключевых положений для улучшения управления и руководства водой. В частности, определение водохозяйственных организаций расширено и включает в себя различные организации, вовлеченные в инфраструктуру управления водой, такие как ирригационные управления,…

The report provides practical insights for policymakers, project designers, and donors on how capital investment costs can be reduced while still achieving the required outcomes through a range of different strategies.

What this document covers: Provides an overview of the links between climate resilience and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene). Outlines WaterAid’s aims, objectives, principles, standards and minimum commitments for its climate resilient WASH work. Provides resources that can be used together with WaterAid’s existing…

Safe water and sanitation, which give rise to appropriate hygiene, are fundamental determinants of individual and social health and well-being. Thereby, assessing and widening access to sustainable, durable water and sanitation infrastructure remains a global health issue. Rural areas are already at a disadvantage. Poor access…

This report examines the current state and challenges of WASH services in rural areas of China, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. It highlights the importance of WASH for public health, especially in light of predictions of widespread water shortages by 2050. Despite political commitment and national plans in these…

Universal access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, a human right enshrined in the 2030 Global Goals, will not be reached unless its affordability is addressed and monitored, according to a new report. This report, led by UNICEF and WHO with contributions from an extensive expert group of international experts,…

Mongolia is experiencing rapid climate change with rising temperatures surpassing the global average, leading to more severe weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and the Mongolian Dzud—extreme winters following dry summers. These changes threaten traditional pastoralist-herder lifestyles, pushing rural populations…

This paper compiles available data and analyses, and derives policy messages, for countries in the region and their partners (including development finance institutions). It characterises an enabling environment that can facilitate and expedite financing for water security commensurate with the challenges and distinctive…

Globally, the most common cause of death of children is infectious diseases, particularly in low- and middleincome countries. In China, infectious diseases, especially diarrhea, are still some of the most serious public health problems, simultaneously suggesting that effective hand washing may help prevent these diseases.…
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