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Project Report: Water Infrastructure in Central Asia: Promoting Sustainable Financing and Private Capital Participation

The analysis in this report reviews the current state of financing and charts potential options for governments to consider in diversifying funding sources for water resources in Central Asian countries.

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Strong Systems and Sound Investments Evidence on and Key Insights into Accelerating Progress on Sanitation, Drinking-Water and Hygiene

The UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water (GLAAS) 2022 report compiles new data on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) from 121 countries and territories and 23 external support agencies (ESAs). It serves as a global reference to inform commitments, priority-setting and actions…

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Handwashing Practice among Elementary Schoolchildren in Urban Setting, Mongolia: A School-Based Cross-Sectional Survey

Handwashing with soap is the simplest, most affordable, and cost-effective preventative intervention for reducing the burden of communicable diseases, including the COVID-19. This study was aimed at investigating elementary schoolchildren’s handwashing practice at two critical moments, namely, before eating and after using the…

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Tajikistan prioritized WASH in health care facilities and encourages others to do the same

During this event Tajik authorities shared their experience in implementing eight practical steps to enhance WASH services in HCFs. WHO and UNICEF recommend implementing costed national roadmaps with appropriate financing; monitoring and regularly reviewing progress in improving WASH services, practices and the enabling…

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Developing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Finance Strategies: A Guide

The objective of this document is to support governments and development partners in promoting and facilitating the development of WASH finance strategies.

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Designing Sustainable Water Supply Systems in Tajikistan: A step-by-step guide to design, construction and ownership

Tajikistan is often described as the poorest country in Central Asia, with GDP per capita consistently lower than any of its regional neighbours. Its water and sanitation infrastructure is severely dilapidated, suffering from decades of underinvestment and the failure to address widespread damage suffered during the country’s…

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Assessing Access to WASH in Urban Schools during COVID-19 in Kazakhstan: Case Study of Central Kazakhstan

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) produces global estimates of the real situation of access to water, sanitation and hygiene services, and sanitation and hygiene in households, educational institutes and health care facilities; however it is lacking data on schools in…

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Sanitation Marketing in Tajikistan: Business model for sustainable WASH market development

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) remains a critical problem in Tajikistan, particularly for its rural areas. In terms of sanitation and the market within which it operates locally, there have been no sectoral tools on market-based WASH programming in Tajikistan, and therefore little available guidance around the…

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Making water and sanitation affordable for all: Policy options and good practices to ensure the affordability of safe drinking water and sanitation services in the pan-European region

This policy brief aims to support the efforts of countries in the pan-European region in the progressive realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. Specifically, it intends to raise the profile of affordability issues among policymakers, enhance the understanding of how affordability concerns can be…

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