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Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene in Mongolia: An Institutional Analysis

Date: January 2014


A descriptive study of the legal and policy framework as well as the organisational structure of the water sector in Mongolia and an analysis of the crucial institutional issues impeding a reliable provision of water and sanitation services to the country’s urban population. A SWOT Analysis is to identify crucial obstacles to an effective and efficient working of the water sector. Institutional weaknesses such as a large degree of fragmentation and a low information capability have a strong negative impact on the implementation capacity of the sector. Although these obstacles were analysed in the context of the provision of water supply services, they are not uncommon in the Mongolian context and do thus most likely also apply to the provision of sanitation services, to the planning and implementation of hygiene promotion policies, and to a sustainable management of the country’s natural water resources.

Author/Affiliation: Franziska Bock, ACF Mongolia

Language: English

Country: Mongolia

Coverage: National

Resource Type: Guideline

Thematic Area: WASH

Sub Theme: Service Delivery

Conceptual Product Type: Knowledge Product