The transformative power of WASH in refugee hosting communities
Date: August 2024
Plan International, Water Mission and partners works with refugee and hosting communities applying climate resilient WASH services to promote wellbeing and development. This interactive session will discuss and identify challenges and opportunities related to implementation of WASH projects in protracted crisis as an enabler to peaceful coexistence among refugees and host population.
In Kenya the Government have developed visionary frameworks for refugee hosting communities. Kenya have welcomed refugees for decades. This adds pressure on the country, that are facing several other challenges including climate change, conflict, and poverty. With ambitious frameworks as Kenya’s Shirika Plan, refugee hosting communities becomes socio-economically active and self-reliant and commits to changing the primary assistance model toward development-oriented integrated settlements. These frameworks present challenges and potentials to implement sustainable WASH services for both populations. Lack of resources including access to WASH services, puts a strain to health and wellbeing among both populations and threatens the fragile coexistence of the populations, despite the positive political developments. Plan International is well positioned to work in these contexts of protracted crisis. Examples of this is Turkana County, Kenya with support from the Grundfos Foundation and DANIDA. Plan International, Water Mission and partners works inside camps, informal settlements, and hosting communities to not only provide sustainable WASH services but are using them as a facilitator to enhance job creation, gender transformation and social cohesion. Several actors play a role including youth, women, men, local leaders, authorities, and the UN.
Author/Affiliation: World Water Week 2024
Language: English
Country: Others
Coverage: International
Resource Type: Video & Podcast
Thematic Area: WASH
Sub Theme: Inclusive and equity
Conceptual Product Type: Capacity Building and Training Material