Private Sector Engagement for WASH – The case of Mongolia: Corporate WASH Responsibility
Date: July 2019
According to the UN statistics, Mongolia is the least covered country in East Asia, in terms of coverage for water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Lacking access to improved water and sanitation facilities accounted for roughly 40% of the total Mongolian population by 2015. This is a fundamental condition that challenges human well-being. Therefore, this paper aims to capture the current WASH situation of Mongolia and bringing the private sector into development discussion as an alternative solution under the idea of corporate social responsibility. The paper suggests that society needs support while private companies have the resources to devote to their corporate social responsibility. These two demands should meet. The private sector engagement for the WASH could serve as one of the possible solutions while it does not fundamentally require political engagement.
Author/Affiliation: U. Bulgamaa, PhD Candidate, Institute for World Economy, International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School, Corvinus University of Budapest
Language: English
Country: Mongolia
Coverage: National
Resource Type: Report
Thematic Area: WASH
Sub Theme: Partnerships
Conceptual Product Type: Knowledge Product