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Video & Podcast

Practical Pathways towards Climate Resilient Urban Sanitation

Date: August 2024


This session explores practical and applied pathways towards climate resilient urban sanitation from around the world, and invites participants to identify, share, and discuss feasible pathways towards climate resilience in their local contexts. The session includes a series of short presentations, followed by a panel and table discussions.

Join us for a session that will empower you to champion climate resilient urban sanitation locally. Drawing on research by Arup, WSUP Advisory, and the World Bank, we explore sanitation as a key enabler of urban resilience and delve into pioneering examples of practical climate adaptation in urban sanitation from around the world. We will also discuss the Policy, Institutions, Regulatory, and Financing (PIRF) mechanisms that may facilitate climate resilient urban sanitation in your local context. The session features four short presentations from Arup, WSUP, iDE and practitioners pioneering climate adaptation in urban sanitation. Presenters will engage in a panel discussion discussing the challenges of climate adaptation in urban sanitation and how they may be overcome. Finally, participants will share and discuss pathways towards climate resilient urban sanitation in their local context. This session is for everyone interested in urban climate resilience and the enabling role of sanitation. We invite governments, private sector, civil societies, and academics to convene to collectively share and reflect on practical pathways towards climate resilient urban sanitation. We will also hear from the World Bank on how the findings shared in this session could inform the design of resilient urban sanitation projects.

Author/Affiliation: World Water Week 2024

Language: English

Country: Others

Coverage: International

Resource Type: Video & Podcast

Thematic Area: Sanitation

Sub Theme: Climate Resilience

Conceptual Product Type: Capacity Building and Training Material