Law of Mongolia on Water
Date: May 2012
This Law makes provisions with respect to the proper use, protection and restoration of water resources of Mongolia. The purpose of the Law is to govern relations concerning the protection and rational use and restoration of water resources and its basin. It consists of 33 articles divided into six Chapters: General Provisions (1); Powers of State and Other Institutions As Regard To Water Relations (2); Rehabilitation of Water Resource and Water Area (3); Water Utilization (4); Water Constructions and Facilities (5); Liabilities (6).
Chapter I contains general provisions. Articles 3 to 7 provide for integrated resource management (including monitoring and inventory) of water resources (the "Water Basin Resource") in Mongolia, and the determination of the potential maximum quantity of water that may be taken from nature for a specific period without affecting the natural water balance ("usable potential water resource"). A Water monitoring research network and database shall be put in place in accordance with articles 6 and 7. The Cabinet member in charge of nature and environment shall establish a water resource council. The State Administrative Central Organization in charge of nature and environment develops an integrated management plan of the water basin resource and shall approve the water monitoring research program.
Chapter 2 sets out in detail administrative powers and functions in the field of water resources management and protection both at the national and local levels (including basin administrations and professional water institutes).
Chapter 3 specifies various measures to protect and restore water resources including the creation of water conservation zones, the adjustment of the amount of water that may be used for commercial purposes, water collection, and protection of water against pollution. It concerns also the prevention of water-related disasters such as floods and drought and the fighting of desertification and desiccation.
Chapter 4 regulates the use of water for household commercial purposes. Article 29 concerns contracts for commercial water use. The contract shall be concluded with the centralized water supply resource water user by the water supplying organization and with those water users of non-centralized water supply by basin administration, aimag and capital city environment authority and governors of soum and districts. The Chapter also outlines the rights and duties of water users.
Chapter 5 concerns waterworks, whereas Chapter 6 contains provisions dealing with (liability for) violation of water legislation.
Author/Affiliation: The government of Mongolia
Language: English
Country: Mongolia
Coverage: National
Resource Type: Guideline
Thematic Area: Water
Sub Theme: Law
Conceptual Product Type: Knowledge Product