Uniting Streams: Diverse Paths to Water Sustainability and Peace
Date: August 2024
In a world facing unprecedented water challenges, from scarcity to pollution, the paths to sustainability and peace through water management are as diverse as the stakeholders involved. "Uniting Streams" is a 90-minute session designed to explore the multifaceted approaches to achieving sustainability and peace through water.
The speakers in this session share a similar experience from their youth. Their education, just like this year’s World Water Week, focused specifically on peace and a sustainable future. Having developed their own paths in life, their case studies span a diverse array of sectors and perspectives, while maintaining a shared and central goal. Encompassing youth, experts, various cultures, and representatives from the public, private, and academic spheres, they showcase how many of us in the water sector, with our diversity, work towards a shared set of values. The results are the unique contributions and perspectives each stakeholder brings to the table. Through a blend of individual presentations and a dynamic panel discussion, "Uniting Streams" underlines the importance of collective action and mutual understanding in fostering water security and cooperation across all border. Cases: Fire and Water: Building Climate Resilience in the High Desert Environment Financing for Water Security and Drought Engineering Water Futures Sustainable Solutions from a School Born of Hope Navigating Waters: The Role of Law in Enhancing Transboundary Water Cooperation Waves of Change: Securing Clean Water for the Future of Kakuma Refugee Cam How research shapes impact – Lessons from East and Southern Africa
Author/Affiliation: World Water Week 2024
Language: English
Country: Others
Coverage: International
Resource Type: Video & Podcast
Thematic Area: Water
Sub Theme: Water Management
Conceptual Product Type: Knowledge Product